This is something new, for those that never triedto understand the meaning of life, please read slowly and with care.
Why I started this is because I had to start something to do to not get bored and go to sleep because I’m almost sleeping with my eyes opened I can see the first lines of what I started to begin and I like this way how I write because even me and you and everybody that can fly or stop down and get the stone to I don’t understand nothing.
miercuri, mai 28, 2008
short abstract in english
poezie abstracta
Si sorbind cu teama
Spre a ta arama
Cu margele paletate
De lumina si infricosate
Cantand spre tine o lumina
De sculptura prea putina
Si destul pentru a se umple
Stergatorul de lumina la stele
Nu am nevoie de stejari
Si de parcele de ari
Cum verdele apune spre
Un lagar plin de disperare
Am ceva pentru voi, ceva mai ciudat, sper sa va placa. Cititi cu atentie si incet sa intelegetzi fiecare cuvant.
Am plecat de cand eram mic beam apa la ghiuveta si pe teava de la arma umbla o pilula care trage tare in vizita vine si se loveste unde nu il doare la genunchi si are o busola pe mare cautare de cuvinte spre care ajungem la destinatie.
Sterge in curand vine vizita si oboseste somnul care te invaluie cu arome de vanilie si nu se duce nicaieri cand vrea sa plece inchide usa si trage zavoru cum nu ai tras in viata ta are sens atunci cand vine vizita si sterge in curand am tras zavoru.
Incepand din terenul de vizavi este o cofetarie si gogosi la mare te duc cu trenu care lanseaza racheta in spatiu de mica anvergura si teleporteaza unde cu soc de primavera unde trecem peste doua blocuri si vedetzi terenul de vizavi.
Greierasul care umbla pe monitor cu tastele crescand intre degetele lui era tipatul de lupta a celor viteji indreptatiti pentru dreptul lor cu care spre taramul neantului cade lovinduse de temerile individului prezent in cursul mileniului trecand peste nemurirea sufletului ingenunchiat spre negura de oboseala si tristete cu care neavand unde ii pune sandalele ai imbunatatit sprijinul credintei in locuitori si preluarea de rezerve incetand sa spere spre o noua zi incepe sa apuna.Tusind inspre soare privind la mare cand apune si trece spre partea din care se indreapta cu viteza despre care va ziceam ca la persoana a doua scara pe dreapta pleaca una din cele mai indepartate supernove si baloane colorate cu culori de floare cu rotile spre ceata de holera inecanduse cu una din cele mai rostite cuvinte din care va raspund ca trece elefantu inspre comuna la cinci sate distanta masurata cu carioca pe buze iese luna intunecata spre munte cand rasare la apus in cinci etape cu bezele crocante sunt si culorile de raceala.
duminică, mai 25, 2008
Shhh .. this will be our little secret world
During my last days I had some unusual feelings, not so intense but though they were there, trying to break trough the skin of indifference that I had. Today I had my little secret world, today we talked, today we shared secrets, today we shared our dreams, today we cried on eachothers sholder and today we liked everything we did. Hwo knows what will happen tomorrow.
A stranger opened what was closed with a big locker and this stranger found the key to a door so closed and so secret. Today I built another secret world, but this time was nice, with secrets, with whispers whispered close to our ears. You told me something, I told you something, you gave me something, I gave you something, you cried and I hold you hand, you hold my hand and I cried.
Today we had a little walk in the rain, today you told me that it’s good for me to feel the rain, and I run in the rain beside you, I felt every drop, I closed my eyes each time a rain drop touched your skin, and today you told me where and when then I told you how and with who. You were there and I watched you, I saw myself trough your eyes, and you watched me touching every part of your body with my thoughts, I asked you why, you told me nothing and I understood.
Why do I have to find this kind of strangers in this situation where I can’t do something about it. Why every stranger that I met it’s not like this stranger?