Did you ever asked yourself, what’s the difference between a man, and a man in loved? I found out today what happens when you are in love, it’s like every man, everybody when they have a normal life, they just live, everybody around them are behaving normal, but one day one guy comes to you and starts speaking without reason, he is trying to show you a fence, and he is trying to make you feel like that piece of fence it’s the most beautiful thing in this world, it’s the sun, the moon, the alarm of his clock in the morning, the thing that makes him wake up, and the thing that makes him going all day long, that that piece of fence, in a small town, somewhere in the mountains, that piece of fence is the world for him. Did you ever thought that this is possible? When you feel love, you have no reason, everything has another reason for you, the reason for you is her, the reason for living, the reason for explaining somebody on the street that the piece of fence it’s your love, and you tell your love that she is like a piece of fence. This is love, love is without reason, love is, love changes, love can change everybody, love can give you reasons, love, love can make you be unreasonable, to others near you, and love is when you look at your lover and you compare him with a tree, because every time you see a tree, and the leaves moving when the wind blows, and when you see every leaf in that tree, moving independent, when every move it’s like passion, when you touch somebody gentle, like the leafs are moving, they are touching with passion her face, and because you feel every poor of your body asking for passion, when you compare her with passion, you feel like the tree it’s her, you want to compare her with everything, because the world around you it’s her, actually she is your world. Did you ever asked yourself, what’s the difference between a man, and a man in loved?